Sunday, May 4, 2008

Dace is "4"
Dace's birthday was today. We waited until we were home from church to open presents, that is why he is wearing church clothes. He was really excited about his new stuff, We will post video of him riding his motorcycle when we get one, because we would not let him ride it today!!


Amber Staub said...

He is going to have a blast on that, and probably Jake will too. What a fun birthday present.

T said...

The motorcycle is the cutest thing! He is going to have a blast with it. You guys are lucky to have a place to use fun things like that. Doesn't Jake own a motorcycle that size? Now they're twins.

T said...

This entry is from Corbin:
C: Oh, man! Cool! Do you think I could get one?
Me: How about I just put the training wheels back on your bike and push you real fast?
C: NOOOOO! Do you think I could get a motorcycle for my birthday?
Me: No
C: But Dace got one, and he is younger than me
Me: Age has nothing to do with it hun. We don't have anywhere to ride a motorcycle.
C: What about the backyard? We have tons of grass, and I could ride it in the street
Me: That's what I'm afraid of. I am sure Dace will let you ride when we visit in July.
C: That is sooo cool!

I will be hearing about this motorcycle until July!