Dace going of "The Jump"
He was so brave to go off of this. He really was ok.
He was not even scared. He tried to take that
very dangerous ancient wood seld off of the jump
while we weren't watching, and it did not go as well.
The sled sent right through the jump and Dace flew over
the jump. That did not stop him.
oh what a brave little boy. I love how he just lays there. I thought "oh no"!
I know! He's just laying there and someone yells "look out dace!!" Poor kid. He got no sympathy. I thought he was down for the count. We are all so sad that we weren't there. I looked at the pictures on Meesha's blog and I cried! I hate missing out on the fun. Looks like they had a blast. That little Crew looks like an eskimo papoose. I just want to squish those cheeks!
Fun times!!! Its a good thing that he is soo brave. I too am sad that all of the family wasn't there to have fun with us. Maybe when you guys come in Feb. we can do it again.
Way to go Dace! He really "caught some air." That looks like it was alot of fun and how great that they got to share it with cousins. I love the picture of Crew, he is getting so big!
Oh, how sad, cut and funny at the same time. But, he looks dead at the end!
Did he make it out of the way in time? My girls have watched that video about 30 times and keep asking for more. They wish so bad they could go sledding at Grandma's. What a fun time!
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